Master's Student | Geography and Environmental Systems
University of Maryland, Baltimore County
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This map was created in R Studio and is representative of the number of trees planted and neighborhoods within Baltimore City.
The data used for this was provided by a given geojson file from class about trees in Baltimore City and the get_acs function in R.
I used R Studio for processing.
I initially tried to make a comparison of trees and median age per neighborhood to see if there was a correlation between trees and either older or younger populations. Since the trees are points, I had to find a way to relay it to geometry that was provided by the get_acs function baltimorecity_age <- get_acs( geography = “tract”, variables = c(“B01002_001”), #medianage state = “MD”, county = “Baltimore City”, geometry = TRUE
I then calculated the area of each tract so that I can get an idea of trees/area, which is a better representation than just the number of trees per neighborhood since some are more densely populated than others.
I did a spatial join (st_join) and used the count function (count(as_tibble)) to count the number of trees per tract (info provided by the GEOID value)
What outputs will you be creating and how are they directly connected to the class? Explain your bin folder. I created a map that showed the distrubtion of trees in Baltimore City as it relates to meters^2.